################################################################################################################################### # # NB! THIS SERVICE IS PROVIDED AS-IS, WITH NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. # We will not be liable for any loss or damage to property by you or by any third party claimant related to your use of this data. # We do not run this service to make money. We raise money to run this service. # # ClamAV AntiVirus (http://www.clamav.net) third-party add-on signatures provide enhanced email security. # We have signatures for Adult spam, Casino spam, Diploma spam, Loan spam,Fake lottery, Malware, # Medicaments spam, Phishing, Replica, Scam, Fake software, Stock spam, Weigthloss spam etc. # # Our subscription fee is 25 EUR/year. A/A EE147700771003167253 - 7 Moaid OY. # ################################################################################################################################### # # For updating signatures automaticaly we provide c4s.updater.sh bash script. # You can install it with 4 easy steps: # # 1) System tools requirements: # # Awk - version 5.1.0 and up # Curl - version 7.82.0 and up # GPG - version 2.2.27 and up # Dirmngr - version 2.2.27 and up # Grep - version 3.7 and up # Tail - version 8.32 and up # TR - version 8.32 and up # XZ - version 5.2.5 and up # # 2) Download URL: http://c4s.pikker.ee/c4s.updater.sh # # 3) Edit /etc/C4S.cfg configuration file, if you want change some defaults. # # For example: # # CLAMAV_USER="clamav" # CLAMAV_RELOAD_CMD="systemctl reload clamav-daemon" # DOWNLOAD_DIR="/data/clamav" # C4S_DB_IGNORE_LIST="c4s.malware.0days|c4s.junk." # C4S_3RDP_DB_IGNORE_LIST="3rdp.doppelstern|3rdp.something.else" # C4S_PRE_HOOK="echo "Hello world"" # C4S_POST_HOOK="/srv/your.custom.script.sh" # # List of C4S databases: http://c4s.pikker.ee/c4s.database.list.txt # # 4) Add c4s.updater.sh script to your crontab. # ####################################################################### # # PS! Have a look also at our other projects: # # https://lab.pikker.ee # https://sandbox.pikker.ee #